cha·os (kā'ŏs')
- A condition or place of great disorder or confusion.
- A disorderly mass; a jumble: The desk was a chaos of papers and unopened letters.
- often Chaos The disordered state of unformed matter and infinite space supposed in some cosmogonic views to have existed before the ordered universe.
- Mathematics. A dynamical system that has a sensitive dependence on its initial conditions.
- Obsolete. An abyss; a chasm.

Is the human breed so full of itself that all that's left among us is CHAOS???
Be it Jammu and Kashmir issue, Georgia-Russia issue,
hell even Nature is at its Brutal and Chaotic best in Bihar!
When I look around I get a feeling that this is the beginning of THE END... I mean its all happening at the same time... Human Hatred, Nature's Catastrophe... its a no-escape situation... so...
Pray for solace
Pray for resolve
Pray for a savior
Pray for deliverance
Some kind of purpose,
a glimpse of a light in this void of existence
Now witness the end of an age
Hope dies in hands of believers
Who seek the truth in the liar's eyes
Take hold of my hand
For you are no longer alone
Walk with me in hell!!!
P.S. : This post has nothing to do with people having the words rampant chaos in their email ids!!!