Sunday, September 7, 2008

My existence.

Psychopathic nature is my existence.
Discussions, Conversations, are somethings I Despise.

I'm clearly Distressed, in the very depth of the word.
Admitted. Its wrong, wrong, wrong. Staring straight at me.
I'm a stranger to Light. Darkness, Oh Sweet.
Perhaps. Probably. Cause we take our eyes off the world, off the Road,
off the niche, that we wander.
Wandering, is Clean. And pitched.

Just the other day I met you. And I Hated it. Sorry.
I cling to not to get Sentimental.
To the unflinching truth which sways past you, and you Swish.

Lets all fall into the trap of Answering Back, of Revolution,
Of being No one, Of being the fire, the Activist, of being, You.

You in Black, Me in Red. Lets Commute.
Not you , you Ass...
I wont make you cry, Cause its not a part of the Plan.

But I wont Crumble when You Cry.
Neither Would I.

You guessed right: Schizophrenia.


EccEntrIcIty pErsOnIfIEd said...

Awesomeness Personified!!!


This be one helluva pwn-all post!!!

Ananya said...

You are just making me nervous :S

Amjad Khan said...

I've read this somewhere. o.O

Ananya said...

Hey. I have seen you somewhere.

Dr. Killjoy said...

Does this mean now you have a day job??

Amjad Khan said...

Oh yes. You have seen me. I'm right above and below your post. XD