Okay.. to begin with I must admit that I've never been really impressed by my college's bands till date.. i mean not even once did i feel that the guys are worth listening to!!! These are big words coming from someone who's got really no talent at all but frankly speaking I think I know more music just by listening to the quality stuff and so the standards for me are pretty high!!!
But again there are exceptions and Ochreblue... a Progressive Rock band from my college who have always tried to work on OC's rather than practicing popular covers in the JAM ROOM recently released 4 of their songs!!!
Furia is a song full of energy
Venice is a song full of pain
Lady of the Glasshouse is a song full of soul
Boi... these guys are impressive and their music may remind you of Pain of Salvation and Ayreon!!!
Why do guitarists always sit on their amps? :S
iSee Stranger amps ^_^
Listening right now.
So far so kvlt.
Yesh... Yesh... Furia is good for real!!!
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